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Lesson 81~ 82

have a bath = take a bath 洗澡

have a swim = take a swim 游泳

have a haircut = have one’s haircut 理发

have a lesson 上课

have a party = hold a party 举行晚会

have a holiday = go for a holiday 度假

= take a holiday = spend one’s holiday

= make holiday

have a good time = enjoy oneself 玩得好

have a shave = shave 刮胡子

have a cigarette 抽烟

have a glass of whisky 喝一杯威士忌

have a look = take a look 看一看

have tea = drink tea 喝茶

have a meal = eat a meal 吃一餐

have breakfast (lunch、dinner、supper)

= eat one’s breakfast ( „„ ) 吃早饭 (午饭、晚饭、晚饭)

Lesson 83~ 84

a cup of 一杯

go into „ 到„„里面去

go home = get home 回家

= come back home = go back home

leave a place for a place 离开某地前往某地

Excuse the mess. 乱七八糟, 请原谅

Lesson 85~ 86

have been to „ 到过 „„

What’s on? 上演什么电影?

on TV 在电视上

all the time 一直; 始终

just like 就像

Lesson 87~ 88

the number of your car 你的车牌号

work on 从事做某件事情

bring sb. sth. 带来某物给某人

= bring sth. to sb.

take sb. sth. = take sth. to sb. 带给某人某物

have a crash 出车祸

That’s right. = That’s true. 是的; 正确的。

drive into 撞倒 „„

try to do sth. 试着做某事

Lesson 89~ 90

for sale 供出售

on sale 减价出售

a long time 很长一段时间

how long 多长 (时间、物体)

how much 多少 (钱)

have the last word 最后拍板

= have the final say

Lesson 91~ 92


move into 搬进

give sb. one’s regards 请代某人向某人问候

this morning 今天上午

this afternoon 今天下午

this evening 今天晚上

tomorrow morning 明天上午

tomorrow afternoon 明天下午

tomorrow evening 明天晚上

tomorrow night 明天夜里

the day after tomorrow 后天

the day after tomorrow in the morning后天上午

the day after tomorrow in the afternoon后天下午

the day after tomorrow in the evening后天晚上

the night after next 后天夜里

Lesson 93~ 94

next-door neighbour 隔壁邻居

the R.A.F. = the Royal Air Force 英国皇家空军

year old 岁

fly to 飞往某个地方

return to 返回某个地方

return from 从某个地方返回

leave for 去往

next week 下个星期

next month 下个月

next year 明年

the week after next 下下个星期

the month after next 下下个月

the year after next 后年

Lesson 95~ 96

return ticket 往返票

what time 什么时候

plenty of 足够的; 充足的

let go and do sth. 让我们去做某事

next door to 与„„相邻, 在„„隔壁

had better 最好

go back to 回到„„地方

ten minutes slow 慢10分钟

ten minutes fast 快10分钟

in an hour’s time 1小时后

in five hours’ time 5小时后

in a day’s time 1天后

in two days’ time 2天后

Lesson 97~ 98

leave sth + 地点状语 把某物遗留在某地

leave a place for a place 离开某地去往某地

put sth. + 地点状语 把某物放在某地

on the train 火车上

the other day 几天前

= a few days ago

a man with a suitcase 一个拿手提箱的人

a house with a swimming pool一个带游泳池的房间

describe a person 描述一个人

describe a picture 描述一张图片

belong to „ 属于„„

Lesson 99~ 100

fell downstairs 从楼梯上摔下来

hurt oneself 伤到自己

hurt one’s + 身体部位 伤到„„

stand up 起立, 站起来

at once 立即

Lesson 101~ 102

read sth. to sb. 念„„给某人听

= read sb. sth.

the Youth Hostels Association青年招待所协会

Speak up. 大声地说

on a card 明信片上

Lesson 103~ 104

Not too bad. 不算太坏。

Pretty good. 还不错。

passed in 及格

fail in 不及格

a low mark 分数很低

a high mark 分数很高

Cheer up. 振作起来。

at the top of 在上方; 在顶端

at the bottom 在下方; 在末端

too „ to „ 太„„不能„„

Lesson 105~ 106

want sb. / sth. 想找某人/想要某物

want to do sth. 想做某事

want sb. to do sth. 想让某人做某事

tell sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人做(不做)某事

full of mistakes 错误百出

be sorry about sth. 对某事感到抱歉

help with 帮助的具体方面

Lesson 107~ 108

be in fashion 流行

Would you like „ ? 你愿意„„吗?

try on 试穿

as well = too / either 也

at all 一点 (用在否定句中表强调)

suit = go along with = fit 适合

like that one 像那件一样

the larger size 大号

the small size 小号

of them all 他们当中

I’ve ever seen 我所见到的

Lesson 109~ 110

That’s a good idea. = Good idea. 好主意。

What a pity! = What a shame! 真遗憾!

It doesn’t matter. 没关系。

= Never mind. = It’s all right.

a little 少许(用于不可数名词之前)

a few 几个(用于可数名词之前)

Lesson 111~ 112

the most expensive model 最贵的型号

the most cheapest 最便宜

more expensive 比较贵

less expensive = cheaper 比较便宜

less interesting 比较无趣

the least interesting 最无趣

the most difficult 最难的

more difficult 比较难的

as good as 与 „ 一样好

not as good as 不如 „ 好

buy „ on installments 分期付款购买

a deposit of thirty pounds 30英镑定金

Lesson 113~ 114

all of 所有的

some of 一些

none of 没有一个

bus fare 公共汽车票

taxi fare 出租汽车票

air fare 飞机票

Lesson 115~ 116

knock on / at the door 敲门

look through 从„„看

the front door 前门

the back door 后门

nice and 挺„

Lesson 117~ 118

look for 寻找

just as 正当

all of them 他们都

both of them 他们俩

Lesson 119~ 120

tell sb. a story 告诉某人一个故事

happened to 发生在 „ 身上;碰巧,正好

a friend of mine 我的一个朋友

a neighbour of yours 你的一位邻居

a teacher of my sister’s 我妹妹的一位老师

What’s up? 干什么?有什么事?

as quickly as they could 能跑多快就跑多快

say and smile 笑着说

go back to sleep 继续睡

go back to work 继续工作

go back to one’s hometown 回到故乡

go out 出去

finish the housework 完成家务

the price of the car 小车的价格

take the examination 考试
